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Listening to Music
  • Is there a cancellation policy?
    Yes. If you cancel at least 24 hours in advance of your session, you will not be charged for the session. If you do not cancel at least 24 hours in advance, you will be charged for the session. Exceptions for emergency situations may apply. Call or email your therapist to cancel your session.
  • How do I schedule a session?
    You can schedule a session by emailing us at, or giving us a call at (406) 308-5498.
  • Can I reschedule my session?
    Absolutely! Call or email your therapist as soon as possible to reschedule your session. Please reschedule at least 24 hours in advance or the session is considered a cancellation, and you will be charged the full amount. Exceptions for emergencies may apply.
  • How do I pay for sessions?
    You can pay for a session via PayPal or by replying to the invoice you receive in the mail. Online payment information will be sent after scheduling has taken place.
  • Do you pay for a session at the time of scheduling?
    No. Scheduling a session occurs separately, and payment for the session occurs immediately after the session takes place. If you have regularly scheduled sessions or need long-term work, monthly payment plans may be considered.
  • Where do sessions take place?
    Sessions take place in your own home. We also have the option to conduct sessions via tele-health. This depends on the type of session as well as the equipment you have available or are willing to purchase. We can discuss these options during your free consultation call.
  • Do you teach music lessons?
    WMT does not provide music lessons as this time. If learning an instrument is part of how we work on your determined goals in therapy, then "adaptive lessons" may be used.
  • Do sessions follow COVID19 reccomendations?
    WMT is committed to keeping the community safe while providing services through the implementation of our thorough infection control policy. Our staff wear gloves, face mask, and clear face shield into our client's homes and for the duration of the session. Our instruments and equipment are cleaned with medical-grade sanitizing wipes after each use. Click the link to read our full Infection Control Policy.
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