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Teacher Giving Guitar Lessons

Western Meadowlark Therapies offers individualized music therapy and music-based wellness services and resources with a board-certified music therapist.  Individualized truly means "made for you". The idea of these sessions is to use music and music-based concepts to work on other areas of your life. Some of those include physical, emotional, wellness goals, relaxation, and general quality of life. 

Below you'll see three categories of sessions we're currently offering. Click each category to read more information, and feel free to call for a free consultation if you have other questions or ideas you'd like to discuss. 

Individual Session

Simply put; we use music interventions to work on a goal. These sessions are designed for people of all ages working on many different goals. Some examples include:


- Using your favorite music to discuss your emotions and life. Your therapist will play the music, and you can either listen or join in. Using music can feel safer and more accessible to some people than words alone. Talk therapy with a twist.


- Struggling with some physical rehab exercises? Using the steady beat of music you love can elevate your performance and motivate your mind. Let's add some live music and make it a movement and music therapy session.


- Can you feel overwhelmed at times? Let's work together to build a music playlist and thought roadmap that you can use to help move yourself to a healthier, more calm place when those times of anxiety hit you the hardest.


During our first conversation, we'll talk about how to structure the session so it best fits your needs. Sessions are being offered via telehealth so you can receive the benefits without having to leave your home, and we can continue to be mindful of the community during COVID19. Let's talk options.



Relaxation Session

Need some self-care time? Schedule a live music relaxation and meditation session. Work with a therapist to build a relaxation script just for you. Want to picture yourself on a beach? Imagine your stressors melting away like snow? You name it! Then get comfy and use the live music and soothing words to relax, breathe, and take some time for you. All from the comfort of your own home...or car, we don't judge. Schedule a session regularly as part of your self-care focus, and feel yourself learn how to get to that relaxed place quicker and quicker. 

Want to learn more about long-term stress relief and how to use music to support a healthy relaxation practice of your own? We can create sessions based on those ideas as well. 



Kids Session

It's no secret that this school year has been a challenge. For students, parents, and teachers alike. If you have a little, or not-so-little one who is struggling with the distance learning changes, music can be a motivating way to encourage new learning and supplement what they're already doing. Whether it's literally turning the material they're learning into a music activity, or using music as a motivator or reward, adding some music elements to their learning could help it all click.


Are you wanting to give your pre-school kiddos a chance to experience more music and some of those skills they'll need before kindergarten? Your little one will have a blast singing silly songs and playing fun instruments, and you'll love watching them learn numbers, letters, colors, pre-reading skills, and social skills. Something for everyone.




Individual Session
Relaxation Session
Kid's Session
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